Problem solving for kids: when Newton is fun

Problem solving for kids: when Newton is fun

Explaining to a child between the ages of 3 and 8 how the world works may seem like a titanic task to many parents, but if we do it playing it is not so difficult. The knowledge that the child acquires for herself, through her physical and mental activity, through her own experience autonomously and actively, has a vital role in her cognitive development. For this reason, within the wide catalog of applications for children usable for tablets and mobiles,  Thinkrolls and Thinkrolls 2 can be extremely useful by merging both aspects: the gradual learning of the elementary concepts of physics through their active and autonomous use .

Educational Apps - Problem Solving for Kids: When Newton's Fun - Thinkrolls

We are faced with high quality applications, designed to be fully usable by children from 3 years of age , without problems for handling and control, with outstanding educational and entertainment levels . Both applications, from the company Avokiddo , are available in the stores of the most important platforms at a price of 2.99 euros.

The first of the applications,  Thinkrolls (versions on Android and iOS ) allows us, through mazes whose obstacles we must overcome thanks to the help of elements with different physical properties, solve different problems. Cookies and boxes allow us from the beginning of the game to train the motor skills necessary for the child to move the characters (balls characterized in fun ways) in an agile way in the different puzzles that will be proposed in each level. 

The elements used, with progressive difficulty (difficulty derived from the number of elements involved in the solution and their interaction), are varied. the child uses floating balloons, gravity is expressed with rocks, elastic jellies, or blocks of ice that put out fires, having to, in the end, coordinate all the elements to synchronize elevators. The progression is very well crafted and the driving learning curve is very fast , so the child will not be disappointed by not being able to properly move objects. This well-calculated progression makes you focus on solving the puzzles and makes concept acquisition really effective.

The new Thinkrolls 2 game  , available on both Android and iOS , which will surely follow the successful path of its multi-award-winning big brother, faces us with new elements to find our way through the maze. Accordions (attention! If we rush the accordion can respond slowly, which doesn’t hurt either since it requires a little patience on the part of the child) that allow us to open and close roads, make bridges or stairs, barrels to save wells and others very fun items. Thus force or acceleration is tested by playing with eggs and their shells, mixing with electric batteries, fans, light bulbs or wormholes!

Thinkrolls 2 offers 235 new puzzles, with a simpler first level for children from 3 to 5 years old and a slightly more complex mode for ages 5 and up, in a game that will entertain until almost 9 years old. In this version, the improvement of logical skills is sought, but spatial recognition or memory is also trained, within a labyrinth environment that requires constant observation from the child.

The characters maintain the characteristic design of the first version of the game proving extremely fun, characters, environments and music complete an overall design of the game that can only be rated as excellent .

In short, Thinkrolls and Thinkrolls 2 are games that can help boost creativity and the ability to tackle problems while training some basic skills : observation, spatial recognition, or memory. Point out that you can not fail, since the game allows us to re-address the failed puzzles, so that the child can, through trial and error, discover the solution to the problem, allowing parents a good element of interaction with their children during the game .

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