A Brief History of Scrum

“Agility might be said to be about encountering all the problems so early and so often that the effort to fix them is less than the pain of enduring them.”

Ron Jeffries

When a methodology is so efficient, it is wise to adopt it for every industry. For a professional, going with an Agile Course and getting certified can be equally rewarding.

Agile is a project management methodology that is used mainly in the software development industry. Agile development paves the way for enterprises to get software competency and win digital experiences.

The four major principles of Agile methodology so as to develop a better software are:

  • Individuals and their collaboration over tools and processes
  • Functioning software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer interaction over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over going with a plan.

The Scrum Framework, which is a subset of Agile, enables the collaborative team to deliver projects more efficiently by splitting them into incremental portions.

In this article, you will come across what actually Scrum is all about and the brief history of Scrum. This article will also let you know why making a career in AGile project management methodology can be a wise move.

What is Scrum?

Scrum stands for“Systematic Customer Resolution Unraveling Meeting”. Scrum is a framework that is meant for developing, delivering, and sustaining complex projects with ease. This framework enables you to address complex, adaptive problems. Subsequently, it allows you to deliver the products in a productive and creative manner, and that too with a top-quality product.

Scrum is mainly used in project management that follows an iterative and incremental approach.

It is referred to as iterative because it progresses towards the goal via successive refinements. Furthermore, Scrum is regarded as incremental because the process involves building and delivering the software in pieces. With each increment, a complete subset is delivered, and all the increments are integrated, and the final software is produced.

Scrum Characteristics

The special characteristics of Scrum that makes it the most popular approach to software development:

  • Scrum is a lightweight framework which means that it has very few rules and practices that are easy to implement.
  • Scrum is very simple to understand, which is easy to comprehend even for novice individuals.
  • You need to practice the tools and practices involved in Scrum in order to understand it properly.

History of Scrum

Today, every industry has adopted Agile scrum methodology as it has brought a revolution in the past few years. With the history of Scrum, let us unfold the origin, evolution, and subsequent development of the framework.

1993: First Scrum was developed

Scrum was first implemented in 1993 by Jeff Sutherland, John Scumniotales, and Jeff McKenna at the Easel Corporation.

The article “The New New Product Development Game,” published by Harvard University, describes how titans like Canon and Honda were able to generate top results leveraging scalable, team-based techniques in product development. The article was published in 1986 by Takeuchi and Nonaka, who compared the game of rugby to an innovative approach to software development. They noticed that the team “tries to go to the distance as a unit, passing the ball back and forth.” The article focuses on the role of management and self-organized teams in the development process.

This is where the concept of Scrum was born.

1995: “The Scrum Development Process” was introduced on paper

Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber, in collaboration, presented the first public appearance of their paper, which was titled “The Scrum Development Process” at the OOPSLA (Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Language, and Applications) conference in Austin, Texas, in the year 1995.

2001: Introduction to “Agile Manifesto” guide

The Agile Manifesto was drawn in 2001 by Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber along with their fifteen associates who got together in Snowbird, Utah. Later, this manifesto was transformed into an invitation to the software engineers to take the plunge and form a unique method of developing software.

It was from this time onwards that Schwaber and Sutherland, and a community of Scrum practitioners began implementing the Scrum framework and started producing numerous high-performing teams in organizations globally.

2002: Formation of “Scrum Alliance” organization

An organization named “Scrum Alliance” was founded by Ken Schwaber along with Mike Cohn and Esher Derby in 2002. The organization was headed by Ken Schwaber. Some important contributions were made by Mike Cohn by developing the user stories that served as a tool for describing client-oriented objectives for work. The story points served as a tool for measuring the quantity of work and the velocity of the teams.

In the following years, they jointly created and launched the highly successful Certified Scrum Master (CSM).

2014: Presentation of “The Value of Scrum to Organizations”

Dr. Dave Cornelius, who is a universally recognized Lean and Agile catalyst, presented his doctoral research that is named “The Value of Scrum to Organizations” based on the Scrum value in 2014.

2016: Formation of First fully Scalable Scrum

The journey of Scrum is still evolving. The developers have discerned the need for the framework for distributed teams and two product owners who are accountable for:

  • For strategic prioritization with the partners/stakeholders and
  • For prioritization within the team

Application Areas

  • Research and find out niche technologies, markets, and product potentials.
  • Develop products and carry out required improvements.
  • Release products and their subsequent enhancements regularly.
  • Develop and sustain cloud and other environments for the usage of products.
  • Sustain and renew products.



By now, you have come across the fact that Scrum is a methodology that is ever-evolving globally. This has resulted in the surge in demand for Certified Scrum professionals and has different roles such as :

  • Product Owner
  • Scrum Master
  • Development Team

Taking up an online training course and getting certified can be a smart move for upgrading your career. The training goes in such a way that you get prepared with the concepts in depth with no stone unturned.

Enroll Now!

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