GogoPDF Guide: Easily Split PDF Pages with This Handy Tool

When we deal with PDF files, we sometimes find that there are unnecessary pages. PDF files could sometimes have long pages. Sometimes it’s easy to delete those extra pages, but when you have a 100 page PDF, deleting will not be the solution. A better way to trim down your PDF file is through splitting PDF pages. Whether you have a written work that needs to be sectioned for better organization or you need to separate different parts of a PDF file, splitting the PDF file is the fastest way to accomplish it. If you’re looking for the best PDF website to assist you in the task, then you need to find a reliable, simple and secured website. Whether you’re a teacher preparing your student’s materials, an employee who is trying to improve your PDF files, or someone who simply needs to cut some pages from your PDF files, the website we highly recommend is GogoPDF. There are tons of websites to choose from.

Split PDF Pages in A Matter of Seconds

We want simple tasks, especially those related to soft copy files to be done without any hassle and be achieved through an easy process. With GogoPDF as the PDF website, this is what you can expect as you split PDF. Simply visit their website and follow the steps laid down:

  1. Get your PDF file from your device or just drag and drop the PDF into the splitting area.
  2. Choose how you want your PDF files to be split, then press the appropriate button to begin the extraction process.
  3. While GogoPDF separates PDF files into your desired number of pages.
  4. Your new PDF files are now ready for download! Save them on your computer or share them on all your social media accounts.

Having a companion that you could rely on when it comes to soft copy files is important. That’s why GogoPDF offers all the tools needed for all PDF needs. When talking about PDF, GogoPDF is the go-to and has a better PDF user experience. Below are the tools inside the website that will assist you to achieve a better PDF.

1. Convert & Compress: Compress, Convert, and Repair

PDF is the universal file format and we find ourselves using it from school, work, down to our personal needs. With that many files are now formatted in PDF, however, you might also find that you need to convert it to another format like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, JPEG, PNG, or PDFA, and to convert them into excellent quality files is what you should look for. With GogoPDF each file conversion is easy and makes sure that your files are in the right shape. Do you also want to make your PDF files lighter? GogoPDF can compress your PDF files to make them easier to share, lighter to save, and faster to download. Along with that if you ever find yourself looking at a damaged PDF, don’t worry. GogoPDF also has a PDF repair tool that will help you recover those distorted pages and bring your PDF file to its original shape.

2. View & Edit: Delete Pages, Share, Number Pages, and More!

If you want to make some changes to your PDF, then you don’t have to scratch your head or worry about how to do it. GogoPDF knows that editing needs to have a hassle-free process and should be navigated easily. If you want to remove PDF pages, rotate, or even number pages then it’s all here in GogoPDF.

3. Convert files to PDF: Word, JPG, Excel, PPT, PNG, PDF/A, etc.

Besides having these amazing tools in store, GogoPDF also can convert Word, Excel, PNG, JPEG, Powerpoint, and PDF/A. These formats are the very first forms of our files and with GogoPDF your files will be converted to a compact, portable, readable, and secured PDF file. IF you have a PDF file that needs to level up into a PDF/A in level 1a, 1b, or to 2a or 2b then GogoPDF also is capable of that. You don’t have to worry if your files would come out distorted because GogoPDF secures all files during all these processes.

4. Sign & Security: Unlock, Watermarks, eSignature, or Protect PDF

Every file today should be equipped with the security of some form. Whether you want to lock your PDF with an encrypted password, add an e-signature to emphasize its formality, use watermarks to show the level of its sensitivity, then GogoPDF also has you covered. If you also have to unlock a PDF, then GogoPDF also takes on that difficult task.

In Conclusion

Now that you know what tasks GogoPDF can help you with, visit their website to experience how easy each process is. Every time you run into a PDF that needs splitting, additional elements, or security, you can also rely on GogoPDF to help you out!

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