MGS ePack: a simple solution for your website

MGS ePack: a simple solution for your website

Although less and less, there is still the general perception that having a website is something typical of large companies. Nothing is further from reality. It does not matter the size of your trade or business, or how many workers are on staff, not even the products or services you offer; Today, for the success of our company, it is vitally important to have an online site where we can publicize what we do and what we offer to people.

Having your own website will allow your business to have visibility on the Internet, expanding the possibility of new clients applying for your job. Visitors and people on vacation in your locality will be able to locate your business or service through mobile searches or searches for tourist information. On the other hand, current clients will have a better service, since it allows us to publish schedules, address and location on Internet maps, notices and offers; the website of our business or company is your authentic business card.

MGS ePack: a simple solution for your website - the ideal website for the self-employed and small local businessesIn this situation, a website becomes a key piece in the success of any business, especially for those companies that must expand with imagination the impact of the resources they can dedicate to marketing, since thanks to this they can remain exposed to the customer. potential 24 hours a day, 365 days a year .

In addition, the characteristics and qualities of our products and services can be shown, informing with photographs, advertising messages, opinion forms, location map, etc. The page does not need to be very sophisticated, but it does convey a professional image, with clear and up-to-date information.

It should be borne in mind that it is not easy for many professionals to decide to take this path, since technical difficulties, together with the lack of adequate advice, may lead them to believe that these types of projects are unapproachable. Solving this problem is what MGS Seguros has tried with this product, consisting of a simple protection against computer attacks that is accompanied by comprehensive advice, high-quality technological accommodation and a first-class professional group.

ePack Web

MGS ePack: a simple solution for your website - the ideal website for the self-employed and small local businessesThe professional who decides to have a website must face an extensive number of decisions: What hosting to use? How to register a domain? Will I appear on Google maps? Will it be a secure website? These questions, and many others, are answered effectively by an integrated product like ePack , by offering the creation of a corporate website, adapted to mobile and tablet devices.

For € 70 a year the insured has a professional team that will be in charge of creating the website of your business based on the information and content you provide.

In less than a week you will have an operational web platform hung where you can advertise, being a good form of face-to-face Internet marketing that does not require assuming any risk, as it does not require initial investment or require commitments to stay beyond the annual scope of the policy. Among other advantages, the fact that it lacks difficulties for the client also stands out, since the service offered is provided complete, attended and advised at all times.

ePack Web includes the complete construction of the web page, which includes very interesting services that will free up work for the businessman or professional:

– Professional writing of texts on the website.
– Incorporation of photographs, logo and design templates.
– domain and in case you require your own domain, it helps in managing the registration in one of the most common domain providers.
– Accommodation of the website on the Internet ( hosting ).
– Assistance phone from 9am to 9pm every day of the year .
– Insurance that includes the necessary expenses for cleaning and rehabilitation of the website in the event of a computer attack or virus that completely prevents its operation.

Also, if they want to take care of certain tasks personally they can always do it or use the assistance of the technical service, letting them take care of everything by following their instructions, either by phone or email, without having to worry about carrying out complicated tasks.

Lastly, it should be noted that the success of the presence on the Internet not only involves having a professional website, but also requires its visibility in the most important search engines, especially Google. We highlight that ePack is designed to be as friendly as possible to search engines. For this, this product is prepared to include access buttons to social networks. It also has complementary services to add visibility: the ePack Plus service and the I Have It Nearby business directory .

EPack Plus service

MGS ePack: a simple solution for your website - the ideal website for the self-employed and small local businessesWith the ePack product, you can also request the additional service that expands the dissemination capacity of your business by including it in local Google searches. With this service, the local business is included in the Local Plus platform , a Google service that helps make the web more relevant and better positioned in the search engine when someone searches for businesses in your locality.

Explained with an example, if we run a bar in Toledo and someone who is there performs a Google search for bars in Toledo, with Alta Local Plus our bar, its description and services, will come out in a good search engine position, with our establishment located on a map regarding the client’s position. Consequently, therefore, this service provides us with:

– An increase in the visibility of the business in Google searches.
– Appearance in geolocated searches.
– Visualization of the business on Google Maps and its treatment as a local business.

Directory I Have It Near

I Have It Nearby is a free  service  for ePack customers and allows all people who access from the Internet to find their business information and request a quote for their services with a single click. It is a Web directory made up of all those who have contracted the product. With this directory you want to promote local proximity commerce , as the pages are classified according to geographical area and also by business type.

MGS ePack: a simple solution for your website - the ideal website for the self-employed and small local businesses

Since its presentation in 2012, MGS ePack has satisfied the needs of corporate Internet presence of thousands of small businesses and companies, with a high degree of satisfaction among its users. With this initiative and others that have been incorporated into its catalog in the form of insurance products or complementary services, MGS Seguros has established itself as the trusted technological partner for its clients.

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